6th Chandos Arms, Colindale w Just East of Jazz
9th Pizza Dean St w Julian Fenton Q
19th 606 w Tim Whitehead and Nick Pini
1st Walton, Riverhouse Barn w Tim Whitehead
Tour w Gaetano Partipilo, Guiseppe Bassi, Fabio Accardi
13th Taranto, 14th Bari, 15th napoli
16th Mola di Bari 17th Bari Conservatoire
11th Karamel Club w Toots Project
13th Posk w Tim Whitehead
16th/17th/18th Canary Wharf Boisdales JG sings w trio
24th Vortex Tim Whitehead
27th Archduke w Sherine Francis
22nd Italian Cultural Institute w Partipilo, Bassi and Accardi www.iiclondra@estera.it">www.iiclondra@estera.it for all details 7pm start nr Hyde Pk Corner
23rd Cambridge Jazz w Partipilo, Bassi and Accardi www.cambridgejazz.org for all details etc
25th Archduke 10pm w ditto nr Waterloo
25th Bristol Old Vic Theatre Studio w ditto www.jazzata.com for all details etc
26th Late Show at Ronnie Scotts midnight w ditto Soho
4th-6th Boisdales Canary Wharf
16th Chandos Arms, Colindale Just East of Jazz w Adele Sauros
10th Lichfield Jazz Club w Cleveland Watkiss - the music of Nat King Cole
30th Boisdales Canary Wharf
31st Boisdales Belgravia
13th Spotted Dog, Birmingham JG3 w Jim Bashford and James Owston
18th Ealing Jazz Fest wTorus
22th 606 w Tim Whitehead Q
6th Posk w Tim W
10th Boisdales Canary Wharf
11th Jazz Train at Rolling Stock, Shoreditch Monk w Tony Kofi and Ben Hazleton
12th Boisdales Canary Wharf
8th Boisdales Canary Wharf
24th JG sings the Mark Murphy Songbook at Lauderdale House, N6 w Giacomo Smith, Ben Hazleton, Richard Pite
5th Eastside Jazz, Leytonstone JG4 feat Tim Whitehead
23rd The Verdict Tim Whitehead Qt
1st Kansas Smittys duo w Nick Pini
8th-12th Trio tour of Devon/Cornwall w Marcus Vergette and Andy Trim:
8th West Devon Village Vanguard, Globe Inn, Chagford, Devon. For tickets contact Marcus marcus@vergette.eclipse.co.uk
9th Plymouth Bread and Roses
10th St Ives Great Western Hotel
12th Poole